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Q: Which protein of the sarcomere is the thick filament made of?
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What are the thick protein filaments in the cell made of?

The thick filament is composed of the myosin molecule. The thin filament is composed of the actin molecule. Flexing the head of myosin provides the powerstroke.

What are the filsments of DNA and protein?

In essence, a protein filament is a long strand (aka filament) that's made of protein (hence, "protein filament"). So they are composed of smaller, protein subunits, which are single protein molecules.

What protein is the filament in a bacterial flagellum made of?

Bacterial flagellum is made up of a specific protein named flagellin.

What are the two types of myofilaments?

The two filaments involved are myosin and actin. Actin: is the framework and slides over the myosin filament when the muscle is shortened. myosin: is a thick filament Also a sacromere: is made up of the actin and myosin. It is the functional unit of a muscle fibre and extends from z line to z line. A muscle contraction: is many sacromeres shortening ( actin sliding over myosin)

What is a muscle made from?

A muscle is made of many cylindrical muscle fibers. The many fibers are bound together with connective tissue. Nerves and blood vessels (arteries and veins) run along the connective tissue.In every muscle fiber, there are thick filaments, made of the protein myosin, and thin filaments, made of the protein actin. The filaments overlap to form the sarcomere, a part of the muscle. Myosin has little heads that attach to actin, and pull on it. This is when the sarcomere contracts, and when all of the sarcomeres of a muscle contract, the entire muscle contracts.

What makes a muscle?

A muscle is made of many cylindrical muscle fibers. The many fibers are bound together with connective tissue. Nerves and blood vessels (arteries and veins) run along the connective tissue.In every muscle fiber, there are thick filaments, made of the protein myosin, and thin filaments, made of the protein actin. The filaments overlap to form the sarcomere, a part of the muscle. Myosin has little heads that attach to actin, and pull on it. This is when the sarcomere contracts, and when all of the sarcomeres of a muscle contract, the entire muscle contracts.

What is atrial depolarization?

Atrial depolarization is the first part of the cardiac cycle.Cardiac (and skeletal) muscle is made up of bundled stands of functional units called sarcomeres. Each sarcomere consists of two Z-disks, which mark the ends of each sarcomere, and alternating dark and light bands called A-bands and I-bands respectively. The I-band contains only actin (the main cytoskeletal protein in most cells) filaments whereas the A-band contains overlapping myosin (a "molecular motor" protein) and actin filaments in its periphery and only myosin filaments in the central region called the H-zone. The center of the H-zone is marked by an imaginary line (called the M-line) in which myosin extends in both directions. The sarcomere contracts inward toward the M-line. "Depolarization" occurs when an electrochemical event causes calcium cations to be released from a membranous network (similar to the the endoplasmic reticulum) called the sarcoplasmic reticulum and creates an action potential. The free Ca2+ binds to a specific troponin protein shifting a troponin/tropomyosin protein complex allowing the myosin head groups to bind to the actin filament. ATP hydrolysis causes conformational changes of the myosin filament which in effect "pulls" the actin filament toward the M-line of the sarcomere. The sarcomere can return to its resting potential by allowing potassium (K+) ions to flow out.

Do smooth muscle have thick and thin filament?

Both do have actin and myosin.Within each skeletal muscle fiber are hundreds of lengthwise subdivisions called myofibrils.Myofibrils are made up of bundles of the protein filaments (myofilaments) that are responsible for muscle contraction: thin filaments: made of the protein actin, andthick filaments: made of the protein myosin.These are visible using a microscope.The internal organization of actin and myosin in smooth muscle is different from that in the striated muscles.Smooth muscle cells: are long and slender, are spindle shaped, with a single, central nucleus, have scattered myosin fibers, with more heads per thick filament and have actin filaments attached to dense bodies.These can not be seen using a microscope and that is why they are also called smooth muscle fibers.

What are the two contractile proteins that make up the myofilaments of skeletal muscle?

amuscle cell is made up of two kinds of protein filaments called actin and myosin

Is it true that thick filaments are made of a protein called actin?

false, it's made of myosin

What type of protein filament makes up the structures of flagella and cilia?

They are the micro tubules. They arrange in 9+2 structure.

Sentence with filament?

Filament was made from plastic. The filament was very stable and smooth.