

Which protists are mixotrophic

Updated: 10/13/2022
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Q: Which protists are mixotrophic
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What is mixotrophic nutrition?

Mixotrophic nutrition is a type of dual nutrition where in light the organisms performs photosynthesis while in dark it switches over to saprophytic nutrition. Example of mixotrophic nutrition is Euglena.

Are protists heterotroph or autotrophs?

protists can be either one. some protists resemble animals, heterotrophic, while some resemble plants, photosynthic.

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Is protista autotrophic or heterotrophic?

Protista, with its peculiar nature, has varieties of ways to gain nutrition. Some like algae and planktons are autotrophic, while animal-like protists such as paramecium and stentor are heterotrophic. Still others are classified as being mixotrophic, which means that they are both capable of obtaining food from others and from inorganic sources.

What Is a mixotroph?

Mixotrophic nutrition is a type of dual nutrition where in light the organisms performs photosynthesis while in dark it switches over to saprophytic nutrition. Example of mixotrophic nutrition is Euglena.

Is it autotrophic or heterotrophic?

Protista, with its peculiar nature, has varieties of ways to gain nutrition. Some like algae and planktons are autotrophic, while animal-like protists such as paramecium and stentor are heterotrophic. Still others are classified as being mixotrophic, which means that they are both capable of obtaining food from others and from inorganic sources.

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Animal-like protists are autotrophic, while plant-like protists are heterotrophic.

How do animal -like protists differ from plant-like protists?

Animal-like protists are autotrophic, while plant-like protists are heterotrophic.