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Q: Which question would most likely be answered under the heading Moving the Guitar into the Spotlight?
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Black Gibson is an electric guitar?

First off how is this a queston. 2 if you want your question answered you must add more detail about the guitar.

How long does Seth Morrison from skillet play the guitar?

He plays the guitar for 14 years. So he started to play in the Age of 11. He answered this question himself... watch here:

What does the GT rating on guitar amp power tubes mean?

The website that answered this question for me is the following;

How can you get a guitar on Free Realms?

You just can't get a guiter. I don't know if you used to be able to because this question was answered in the year 2011 on March.

What is a D-pad on a Guitar Hero world tour guitar?

If you have the brown-ish guitar, it's not a d-pad it's more like a joystick. The button you push to turn on the guitar is on it. If you have the black guitar, it's right next to the power button. PS: This is the first question I've ever answered on Wikianswers.

What instruments are used in Starlight by Taylor Swift?

Taylor swift's band plays in sparks fly the banjo the guitar electric and acoustic drums fiddle and taylor swift sings. This question was answered by Isabelle.

Is there a guitar available in march 2008 on Club Penguin?

No i really want one though i signed up in December 2007 and i answered this question on 4/16/08

Can you practice to play guitar by a electronicallly guitar?

If your question is, can you practice guitar on the electric guitar the answer is YES.

Does every guitar need a amplifier?

Electric guitars require an amplifier. Acoustic's will need a microphone and a speaker/amp if it is not acoustic/electric. Hope I answered your question well. Good Luck.

When did Avril Lavigne get her first guitar?

When she was five answered by Katharine Browne i live in Corby!!!!!

How does the Rhythm go for Third Eye Blind's Jumper on guitar?

this can't, logically, be answered

What is a stage guitar?

Well Stage is a guitar company, that could answer your question. But a stage guitar is a high quality guitar that's worth going on stage with and is reliable. Hope i helped