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Q: Which region was the birthplace of Confucianism Buddhism and Hinduism?
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What are four religions of the Asia-Pacific region?

Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Confucianism

What is the dominant religion of East Asia?

Buddhism is the dominate religion of East Asia in terms of both percentage and numbers.

In which region was the art most closely with the religions of Buddhism and Hinduism?

The central region of India is connected through art to the religions of Buddhism and Hinduism. The region has religious art in many of the government buildings.

In which region was art most closely connected with the religions of Buddhism and Hinduism?

The central region of India is connected through art to the religions of Buddhism and Hinduism. The region has religious art in many of the government buildings.

What region had Buddhism but not Hinduism spread?

For Apex Its B

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The majority of Kashmir region are Indians who practice Hinduism and Buddhism.

Are most major religions practiced in Southeast Asia?

Mostly Islam and Buddhism, only exception is Philippines which is Christian. Asia is the ancestral home and birth place of the main religions of the world. It is the ancestral origin of Abrahamic and Brahmanic belief systems along with Buddhism, Confucianism, Jainism, etc. Hinduism in India and Bali; Buddhism, Daoism and Confucianism in China; Buddhism in parts of South-East Asia; Judaism in Israel and Islam in the rest of the region.

Which region was most influenced by Buddhism and Hinduism and Islam?

india apex

Study the map below. In which region did Hinduism and Buddhism begin?

Whichever letter is furthest to the left side of the map being studied. Mine was "A". ;)

What is the most practiced religion in the Asia-pacific region?

Dharmic religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Chinese traditional etc.. in east & Islam in south.

Because both Hinduism and Buddhism originated in the same region they both spread quickly throughout .?

Southeast Asia (Apex)

Which one was found first Buddhism or Judaism?

Judaism. In order of historical evidence the arrival of region is in this order,Hinduism,Jainism,Judaism,Budhism,Christianity,Islam,Sikhism