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Q: Which religion believe in Karma Dharma Reincarnation and the Caste System?
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Brahman the caste system and the belief in reincarnation are all characteristic of which religion?

The name of Brahman is given to God in Sanatana Dharma (which is mistakenly called Hinduism), however the concept is present in many other faiths.Reincarnation too is present in Sanatana Dharma but is also central to other faiths.The caste system is not a part of Sanatana Dharma, it came about as a corruption of the older varna system.

How did the Hindu concepts of Dharma Karma the Caste system and reincarnation influence the Indian literature and culture?

you in mrs.Jones class?

What religion has reincarnation and caste system?

Jainism. My world religions class did a project on different religions, and i remember that Jainism included the Karma and Reincarnation.. Aupmanyav adds: Hinduism also connects karma with caste in reincarnation.

How did reincarnation influence the caste system of India?

There is no relation caste system is nothign but classification based on the work they do. Over a period of time it became sort of official by the rulers such as British or Islam who invaded India. classification is universal rule, you can find classifications in christianity , Islam and everywhere. Reincarnation has nothing to do with it.

Was Henry Ford the initiator of mass production in automobile a Buddhist?

I do not know if he was Buddhist, but he did believe in reincarnation. Buddhism is not the sole belief system which supports reincarnation, though.

What aspects of the caste system related to basic Hindu beliefs?

The fact that you are born into your caste and cannot change it until reincarnation (based on Karma and Dharma) is based on the basic laws of Hinduism.

Why did the caste system develop and how was it perpetuated?

The caste system seems to have emerged as a means of organizing relations between Indo-European conquerors and indigenous people. It was well preserved by strict rules of occupation and Hindu beliefs in dharma and reincarnation.

What are the major aspects of Hindu belief system?

Know dharma, and live per it correctly.Earn your living by staying within dharma.Enjoy with the senses but within the constrains given in dharmaBy living so, attain freedom from birth-death cycles, ore live with god or realize God.

Does the general assembly of siritualists believe in reincarnation?

Answer:Spiritualism does not teach reincarnation, though some members may hold this belief. According to a Wikipedia article:Spiritualism is a monotheistic belief system, postulating a belief in God, but the distinguishing feature is belief that spirits of the dead can be contacted, either by individuals or by gifted or trained "mediums", who can provide information about the afterlife.There are variants of the Spiritualist religion, as there are of Christianity. Some do teach reincarnation.

What are main points of Hindu beliefs?

The main beliefs of the Hindu religion is reincarnation this belief is that the sould of every person has lived from the beginning of time in the bodies of humans, another belief is that there are many Gods and Goddesses, they also believe that a person's condition in life is determined by his or her karma or the actions he or she took in this and precious lives.Also each person has a rank and everyones rank is called the caste system that is the system they use to rank each individual. DID U NO I LIKE POTATOES

What are the basic beliefs of each major religion?

Muslims believe in fasting during Ramadan, traveling to Mecca at least once, and giving to the poor. Hindus believe in the caste system and reincarnation. Buddhists believe all suffering is caused by desire. Jews believe they are the chosen people and must obey God's law. Christians believe in faith, hope, and charity.

Why did Benito musolini believe in fascism religion?

Fascism is a political system, not a religion.