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Q: Which religion believed in karma dharma reincarnation samsara and the caste system?
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What are the major beliefs or Hinduism?

major belief of Hinduism are Dharma (righteous living) Artha (material prosperity) Kāma (enjoyment) & Moksha (liberation).

What is Hindu Dharma?

The Hindu religion is very complicated. Dharma is only apart of it. Dharma means duty and obligation. is belief is a cycle from the hindus. they believe that Dharma is there duty, then they believe that what they did is good and their "gods" think so to that is what is called Karma which means something like this "what comes around goes around". and lastly Samsara. they think that Samsara is there recarnation.

What are three basic teachings of Hinduism?

Karma, Dharma and Samsara

What is the relationship between Dharma Karma Samsara Moksha and the Caste System?

The relationship between Dharma Karma Samsara, Moksha and the Caste Systemis is the accepting of the doctrine of transmigration. It was the rebirth and the complementary of Karma.

What is India's religious legacy?

Hinduism and Buddhism. The 5 major beliefs of Hinduism are: Brahman Multiple Gods Dharma (There is Universal Dharma and Individual Dharma) Karma Samsara Meditation will bring you closer to God

What are the major teachings of Hinduism?

Hindu beliefs depend on the person. But commonly these three can be taken as major beliefs: 1. 'Dharma' (duty and righteous action being more important than belief in Gods and Goddesses. 2. Rebirth according to karma (good and evil deeds). 3. Polytheism.

How can dharma karma and reincarnation coincide with each other?


What are three key points that describe Hindu beliefs about Samsara?

in Hinduism samsara means this world or earth. Dharma (righteous living) Artha (material prosperity) & Kāma (enjoyment) describes it.

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What was the Aryans religious beliefs?

The Aryans had a polytheistic religion, worshiping various gods such as Indra (god of thunder and war) and Agni (god of fire). They also believed in karma, reincarnation, and the concept of dharma, or duty. Their religious texts, known as the Vedas, were composed during this period.

What is the main religion practiced by the people in India?

The main religion practiced by the people in India is Hinduism.

Brahman the caste system and the belief in reincarnation are all characteristic of which religion?

The name of Brahman is given to God in Sanatana Dharma (which is mistakenly called Hinduism), however the concept is present in many other faiths.Reincarnation too is present in Sanatana Dharma but is also central to other faiths.The caste system is not a part of Sanatana Dharma, it came about as a corruption of the older varna system.