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Q: Which religions shaped much of Japan's culture?
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Should you try to better understand religions other than your own or not to be bothered with trying to understand other religions at all?

It is a positive practice to seek understanding of religions other than your own, as it promotes tolerance, empathy, and overall cultural awareness. Learning about different beliefs can also lead to greater respect and cooperation among diverse communities.

Are festivals part of culture in India?

Yes -Very Much So. Festivals are a part of the Indian Culture. Most religions have their own festivals and the best part is, all communities enjoy them together.

Why is Greek rationalism important to the Greeks?

Philosophy was central to the Greeks in that it shaped their lives, culture and politics. Much of democracy was based on philosophy.

Where did the Romans borrow much of their culture?

We inherited language, religions, science, medicine, art/architecture, technology, literature, and law.

What are Japans natural resources?

Japan does not have much oil

Why did japans rulers not want to open trade with US and other countries in the west?

Japanese rulers did not want to open up trade with the United States and other Western countries, because they thought that to much contact with the west would destroy their culture.

What was japans goal in world war 2?

To conquer occupy and annex as much territory as they could. Building an Empire.

How is the study of African traditional religions done?

Like any "traditional religion" study, much of the work is found from the writings and other lore available directly from the community. As well, because religion is strongly based in social culture, it takes from common culture studies techniques and understandings.

Where was the national flower of Japan's the Cherry Blossom borrow from?

japans emperors had that as their symbol much like the flur de le in France

How is technology changing your culture?

Here is a short answer: Technology has created a massive flood of new art mediums, communication methods, and pastimes. Cultures are defined by these aspects as much as they are shaped by wars or economic upheavals.

If Satan created other religions then why are some religions good?

I think you are giving him too much credit.