

Which religious minority did Hitler want to eliminate?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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The Jews you should watch the movie big in striped pajamas

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Q: Which religious minority did Hitler want to eliminate?
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He viewed them as a lower class of person, as such he did not want them around.

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Hitler wanted to fill his museum with the greatest art treasures in the world. Being a failing artist, this was very important to Hitler. Therefore the Nazis looted many treasures, including religious treasures.

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Hitler believed that the Jews were destroying Germany, taking jobs, (like teaching) and ya. he was crazy. but think about it... if he wanted to eliminate the Jewish Race, he probably wouldn't want them to learn or have jobs.

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There were only two ethnic groups that the Nazis wanted to kill:1. The Jews.2. The Roma/Sinti ('gypsies')Please also see the related question.

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Hitler did not want one race, he wanted all the races to be independent and not mix.

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Hitler wanted was becuase he was gay

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Hitler hated the Jews because before he wanted to rule the world he was an artist and he didnt get paid very much. The Jews on the otherhand had most of the well paid jobs and that was when Hitler started to hate the Jews.

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Ner, i want to sing for Hitler.

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