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Hitler hated the Jews because before he wanted to rule the world he was an artist and he didnt get paid very much. The Jews on the otherhand had most of the well paid jobs and that was when Hitler started to hate the Jews.

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Hitler did not want to rule the Jews; he wanted to eliminate or exterminate them. The reasons that he wanted to do this are discussed in the Related Question below.

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11y ago

He didn't plan to rule the world. He only wanted to unite all the German speakers in Europe.

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Q: Why did Hitler have a thing for Jewish people?
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What things were Jewish people deprived of because of Hitler?

The Jewish people hated Adolf Hitler for killing all JEWISH

Who did Hitler enslave?

Jewish people

What was the incident of killing people by Hitler?

Hitler's attempted genocide of the Jewish people was the Holocaust.

What was Hitler's relationship with Jewish people?

Hitler was the persecutor and the Jewish People were the persecuted.

Which one is good Hitler or Jewish?

Hitler is one of the most evil people in history, so I would go with Jewish.

Why was Hitler only saving pure German people when he was a Jew to?

Hitler was not Jewish, it is beleived he had Jewish blood in his family tree but Hitler struck that from public record..

What were Adolf Hitler's feeling towards people of Jewish desent?

Hitler hated people of Jewish descent beccause a Jewish doctor didn't try hard enough to save his grandma from death.

Who was in power when the Jewish were persecuted?

During the Jewish persecution Hitler was in power. and he was incharge of every thing that was happing to the Jews.

Who was important in the holocaust?

Adolf Hitler and Jewish people

Where did Hitler keep all the Jewish people?

Adolph Hitler kept the Jewish people in the various Concentration Camps throughout Europe. and got the men to do labour work!

Did hitler blame the jewish for the depression?

He purported to blame them, which amounts to about the same thing.

What were name of the people that helped Adolf Hitler who were Jewish?

There were no Jews that helped Adolf Hitler. Not willingly, at least. There may have been some Jewish people who did as they were told, in hopes of survival, but this can hardly be considered 'helping Hitler'.