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Q: Which renewable source could become a non renewable source if used faster than earths abilty to replenish it?
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Why are ores a non-renewable resource?

although they will eventual replenish in the earths crust, this process will take too long so they are dubbed to be non-renewable sersources, much like coal or oil.

Why do you need to use nenewable energy?

People need to use renewable energy so we don't deplete the Earths resources. Renewable energy is energy that comes from resources that can replenish itself. Examples of such resources include wind, and sunlight.

What are the earths main type of resources?

they are renewable and non-renewable resources.

Is geotheral renewable?

yes. it is because it comes from the earths heat

Is volcano heat renewable?

Yes because the earths core is constantly hot.

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A short answer to why is geothermal a renewable resource?

Geothermal energy is renewable because it is using heat for the earths "core" and water (turned to steam by the heat) to power steam turbines. Both the heat and water are renewable resources thus geothermal energy is renewable.

Are gases that take up the earths atmosphere nonrenewable?

Yes. Only organic items are renewable. (Oil, crops, etc.) Basically, only carbon-based things are renewable.

What are 3 of earths resources?

Oil, coal, and gas are some nonrenewable resources. Some renewable resources are soil, air, and water.

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Africa was the center of Earths only continent

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