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Q: Which represents the main cause of the cultural conflicts in the 1920s?
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How did economic and cultural diversity cause conflicts in the west?

The differences in food, religion and cultural practices reinforced each group's fear and distrust of the others.

How did these conflict change societies?

Conflicts can lead to social change by sparking revolutions, shifting power dynamics, and influencing cultural norms. They can also unite people towards a common cause or create divisions within a society. Additionally, conflicts can result in the implementation of new policies or systems to prevent future conflicts.

What are the ethnic differences that contribute to conflicts between Iran and Iraq?

Some cultural practices have been known to cause a rift between the two countries. There are also certain religious beliefs that may differ and thus cause disagreements.

What causes cultural diversity?

what the cause of cultural deversity

What impact did Henry Ford have on society in the 1920s?

Henry Ford had a profound impact on society in the 1920s by revolutionizing the automotive industry through the introduction of the assembly line, making cars more affordable and accessible to the average American. This led to increased mobility, changed the landscape of urban planning, and contributed to the growth of suburbs. Ford's innovations also influenced labor practices and set new standards for efficiency in manufacturing.

How does cultural cause desertification?

Cultural problems are population movement, catchments, and religion

What is the main cause of the bawku conflicts of Ghana?

the main cause of bawku conflict is about land and a chieftance.

What is negative about cultural borrowing?

Negative aspects of cultural borrowing can include issues of cultural appropriation where elements of a culture are taken without understanding or respect for their significance. This can lead to misrepresentation, commodification, or distortion of the original culture. Additionally, cultural borrowing can sometimes perpetuate unequal power dynamics and reinforce stereotypes.

What is cultural solidarity?

Cultural solidarity is the unification of people belonging to the same cultural identity. For example, when community shows support for a single cause.

How did the ethnic conflicts cause the Rwandan genocide?

Ethnic conflicts caused the genocide in that the hutus scapegoated the minority of tutsis with all the issues of the Rwandan state.

What cause conflicts between the Northern states and the Southern states?

slavery and the laws.

What are the importance of understanding cultural diversity as it relates to conflict in the workplace?

Cultural differences can cause misunderstandings and conflict in the workplace. Understanding cultural diversity can prevent this.