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Q: Which resistance is in the center of your ohm scale r x 1?
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what resistance is the center of your ohm scale, R x 1?


What resistance is the center of your ohm scale, R x 1 range?


What is a unit used to measure resistance?

The " Ohm " is. 1 ohm is the resistance across which 1 volt of EMF appears when the current through it is 1 Ampere.

What is high resistance box?

a box which has resistance between 1 ohm to 50000 ohm

Unit of electric resistance?

The unit of resistance is the 'Ohm'. A conductor through which a current of 1 ampere produces a voltage drop of 1 volt has a resistance of 1 ohm.

When a 1 ohm resistor and a 1 ohm resistor are connected in series what is their conbined resistance?

The combined resistance will be 2 Ohms.

Can 1 ohm electrocute and kill?

An ohm is a measurement of resistance and not of power.

What is the unit measurement for resistance?

the answer is ohms

In parallel what is the total resistance 100ohm's 3K ohm's and 10K ohm's?

A 100 ohm, 3000 ohm, and 10000 ohm resistor in parallel has a total resistance of 95.8 ohms. RParallel = 1 / Summationi=1toN (1 / Ri)

What is resistance if less than 1 ohm?

1 Ohm represents nearly no resistance to current flow, at all. The word, Ohm is usually capitalized as it comes from a person's name.

What unit is used to measure resistance?

The unit of electrical resistance is the Ohm. It's written as the Greek capital Omega:Ω1 ohm = 1 amp per volt

What is ahigher resistance 10 ohm or 1 kilo ohm in other words does 1kilo ohm have more or less resistance than 10 ohm.?

Because 1 kiloohm is 1000 ohms. 1000 ohms is a higher resistance value than 10 ohms.