

Which rocks are exposed to more rain wind and ice?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Which rocks are exposed to more wind, rain, and ice

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Q: Which rocks are exposed to more rain wind and ice?
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Which rocks are exposed to wind rain and ice?

Which rocks are exposed to more wind, rain, and ice

Where are rocks exposed to more wind rain and ice?

Rocks in higher elevation :)!

What kind of rocks are exposed to wind rain and ice?

Sandstone, especially if it hasn't completely formed

Why does the peak of a mountain weather faster than the rock at the bottom of the mountain?

they are exposed to more wind,rain,and ice than the rocks at lower elevation

What is the effects of ice wind and rain on rocks called?

The effects of ice wind and rain on rocks is called erosion.

What makes rocks on mountain tops weather faster than rocks in valleys?

Rocks on mountain tops are exposed to harsher weather conditions, such as wind, rain, and ice, which can break down the rocks more quickly through processes like frost wedging and erosion. Additionally, mountain rocks may experience larger temperature variations, leading to thermal stress that can contribute to faster weathering.

What does wind and rain cause on rocks?


Why does the peak of a mountain weather faster than the rocks at the bottom of the mountain?

The peak of a mountain is typically exposed to harsher weather conditions, including higher winds, more intense sunlight, and greater temperature fluctuations. This exposure increases the rate of weathering on the peak compared to rocks at the base of the mountain, which may be more sheltered from these elements. Additionally, water and ice can accumulate more readily at higher elevations, contributing to more rapid weathering processes.

What weathers and transports rocks?

Water, rain. Also wind.

How are soil's from rocks?

Rocks form soils due to weathering by wind, sun, rain and ice.

What is the process of breaking apart rocks by wind air or rain?


What are 3 processes that mechanically weather rocks?

rain, wind, heat