

Which school did President Obama teach at?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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University of Chicago Law School

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Q: Which school did President Obama teach at?
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Do the opposite of what President Obama does, and you will be a good leader.

How long did President Obama teach?

For 5 years

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Barack Obama

Who was president when Obama was in law school?

President Obama was in law school during the time that George H.W. Bush was president. He graduated in 1991, prior to Bill Clinton's election.

What school did Obama go to to be a president?

Harvard university

Who was the president who attended high school in Hawaii?

I believe it was President Barack Obama :)

Where did the president go to law school?

President Barack Obama went to Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

What university did Obama teach part-time?

He taught at the University of Chicago Law School.

Where did obama go to school to learn how to become a president?

Yeh He Did =]

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President Obama

Did President Obama attend terrorist schools' when he was a child?

NO!!!! According to the Wikipedia (a division The Wikimedia Foundation) article based on President Obama, President Obama attended elementary, middle, and high school, as well as the University of Hawaii.