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Charles Darwin was the first person to explain evolution by, what he termed, natural selection. However, Darwin's book Origin of Species only makes small mention of human evolution. In fact, Thomas Huxley, working on the evolutionary basis created by Darwin, was the first person to put forward a book detailing the similarities and differences between apes and humans in his book Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature, which appeared before Darwin properly addressed the issue.

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Q: Which scientist first put forward the theory that humans evolved from apes?
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Did it really happened that humans evolved from apes?

I think it did happened. My teacher says it a theory that humans evolved from apes. My mother said it's a fact. Everyone has their opinions.

Which scientist formulated the theory of evolution through natural selection?

Darwin was the first scientist to have the courage to put forward the theory of natural selection.

How were humans created eg apes monkeys or god or evolved on our own?

The best supported theory, ie the one with the most evidence, is that humans and apes both evolved from a common ancestor.

Did humans evolve?

All organisms, including humans, have evolved from ancestral organisms and continue to evolve, although at a rate too slow to witness during one lifetime.

Why might Christians reject the theory that human being evolved from apes?

well most Christians do not think that humans evolved from apes because in the bible it says that god created humans from himself.

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Quantum theory was not the result of a single experiment, a single discovery, or even a single scientist. Quantum theory evolved gradually, over several decades.

What are the theories of human evolution?

Some theories of human evolution include the Out of Africa theory, which suggests that modern humans evolved in Africa and migrated to other parts of the world. The Multiregional theory suggests that modern humans evolved simultaneously in different regions of the world. The Recent African Origin theory posits that modern humans originated in Africa and replaced other hominid populations.

Recent archaeological studies suggest the theory that?

the earliest humans evolved in the rift valley in africa

What are some topics that challanges about creation?

evolution, mainly the big bang theory and also Darwin's theory of evolution saying that humans evolved from monkeys basically

Why do scientist find Darwin's theory more convincing?

Because it was a slow change, unlike the other version was a whole new evolved species.

What is the difference in theory and testing in health promotion?

theory is when a researcher, scientist, physician, nurse etc has an idea. testing is when they go to prove it either on humans or animals.

Why do people think humans originate from monkeys?

Scientists don't think humans evolved from monkeys. They do believe that humans are more closely related to modern apes than to monkeys, but they don't believe we evolved from apes either. Humans and modern African apes both evolved from a common ancestor. The understanding of human evolution comes from the evidence presented in the fossil records and similarities found with genetic research. Many scientists believe in Darwin's theory of evolution which states that organisms evolve over time to be able to adapt to the changing environment. He based his theory on the birds in the Galapogos Islands. There were birds on the mainland and on the island that were or used to be the same species, but the birds on the island had different features. They had these different features because of their environment. That is why some scientist believe humans evolved from monkeys, they think we learned to stand up straight and use weapons because it would ensure better survival in our environment.