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Niels Bohr

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Q: Which scientists postulated that the sharp lines in the emission spectra of elements are caused by electrons moving from high energy levels to low energy levels?
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Why did each compound produce a flame of a different color?

Different elements have different emission spectra, meaning that if the electrons in an atom are excited, they will release that energy in different color of light. The flame color depends on the elements in the compound.

How do scientists tell difference between elements?

There are many different tests. For example, if you burn some elements they give of light at very specific wavelengths, called an emission spectrum.

Does beta radiation results in the emission of electrons?

In beta radiation, an emission of electrons can occur due to beta decay. A neutron can disintegrate into protons and electrons.

What is an electron emission?

The process in which an electron emit from metal surface into surrounding is known as electrons emission

How do electrons from beta particles emission differ from electrons in a normal atoms?

The energy is different.

What is photogynthesis?

It is the emission of electrons from chlorophyll and returned to it unchanged.

An emission spectrum can be used to?

Identify elements

Who said that electrical engineers deals with bulk current flow and electronics engineers deals with electrons emission?

A: I DID electrical is a study of current flow. electronics is a study of electrons emission.

What is the process by which elements change to other elements by emission of ionizing particles?


What are effects?

The effects of electricity might include the actual emission of electrons. This would include emission that causes lighting.

Is a proton a radioactive emission?

PROTON has a positive charge. In certain elements there is proton emission possible. Refer to radioactive elements in detail to get exact answer to your question.

What is the study of the release of electrons by light called?

Photo emission.