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There are atleast 4 instances where 'honey' is mentioned in the Greek Scriptures(New Testament):

Matthew 3:4-describing what John the Baptizer ate

Mark 1:6 - "

Revelation 10:9+10 spoken to John when he prophesied about the future.

Certain later transcripts(6-10th centuries) add "and a honeycomb" to the end of Luke 24:42 when Jesus was eating fish to prove he was resurrected, but most manuscripts do not contain this addition.

The Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) contain many more references to honey(such as Proverbs 16:24, Proverbs 5:3, Proverbs 27:7...)

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Proverbs 16:24 says, "Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones." Psalm 19:10 also mentions honey, saying that God's words are sweeter than honey. Honey and honeycomb are often used in The Bible to symbolize the goodness and sweetness of God's teachings and commandments.

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What is the main purpose of a honeycomb?

the main porpose of a honeycomb is so they can store honey

How do you get honey from bees?

Bees collect nectar from flowers and store it in special honey stomachs. They return to the hive and regurgitate the nectar into the honeycomb. Beekeepers remove the honey from the honeycomb.

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Do you get edible wax?

Yes you can you can purchase jars of honey that has parts of the honeycomb placed in the jar along with the honey and of course the honeycomb is made from bees wax

How much honey can be stored in one honeycomb?

It matters how many combs are in the honeycomb . Hope i helped .

Why does honey cost less than the honeycomb from which it's made?

Honey is not made from honeycomb, it is extracted from honeycomb. Each cell of the comb contains honey and it is extracted by spinning it out using centrifugal force. Afterwards, the empty comb can be re-used in the hive and filled up again by the bees. Honeycomb is more expensive because it is cut from the honeycomb frame and so cannot be re-used.

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To collect beeswax from honeycomb, the comb needs to be melted in a heat-safe container using low heat until the wax melts and separates from the honey. This process can be done at home using a double boiler or a solar wax melter. Once the wax solidifies, it can be removed, cleaned, and used for various purposes.

Is the honeycomb a compound word?

Yes, the noun 'honeycomb' is a compound word, made up of the noun 'honey' and the noun 'comb' to form a word with a meaning of its own. Note: The word 'honey' also functions as a verb but the noun 'honeycomb' is a word for a 'comb' filled with 'honey', a noun.

What was the first piece of candy's kind?

Honey or honeycomb.

What matrial is made from bee honeycomb?

pollen not honey

Is the waxy honeycomb in purchased honey edible?


What method is used to separate honey from honeycomb?

Honey extraction from honeycomb typically involves using a honey extractor. This device uses centrifugal force to spin the honey out of the comb, allowing it to collect at the bottom of the extractor. The honeycombs can then be reused after the extraction process.