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a clam

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Q: Which sea animal has a pearl between its shells?
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Pearls are in what sea creatures?

Mother-of-Pearl is found in Oyster shells

What are shells are made of?

They are made an animal that lives in the sea.

Which sea animal makes chalk tubes on stones and shells?

The sea animal that makes chalk tubes on stones and shells is barnacles. Barnacles will attach themselves to whatever is handy and multiply very fast.

What is the difference between sea shells and fossil shells?

Fossils are made of rock, which has replaced the original material.

What is a sedimentary rock composed of the mineral calcite which comes from sea precipitation and animal shells?


Do sea anemones have shells?

sea anemones do not have shells !

What makes sea shells grow?

The animal inside them. As the animal grows the shell must be grown to protect it.

What type of shells do hermit crabs live in when they are in the wild?

Hermit crabs live in sea snail shells so the hermit crabs go in which ever shell they think will be comfy, like turbo shells. Also hermit crabs love shells with a pearl color inside.

In the poem She shells sea shells by the sea shore?

The poem "She shells sea shells by the sea shore" is a tongue twister that plays with alliteration and repetition. It is a fun and challenging sentence to say quickly due to its repetitive consonant sounds. The phrase showcases the poet's creativity and ability to manipulate language for a playful effect.

What do egg shells and sea shells have in common?

you dont go to the sea shore to buy egg shells

How do you make a million bells in animal crossing wild world?

Sell fruit, fossils, sea shells, anything.

1 million bells on Animal Crossing world wide?

Sell fruits, fossils, sea shells, etc.