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SUNNI ISLAM believed that any Muslim could become Caliph if he was a good community leader; heredity was not terribly important.

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Q: Which sect of Islam believed that any Muslim could become caliph?
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The first Caliph was Abu Bakr Assidik.

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Malcolm X, initially was part of Nation of Islam. Nation of Islam, though declares themselves to be a part of Islam, in fact are not. Nation of Islam is against the principles of Islam and the followers of them, cannot be termed as Muslim. However, Malcolm X, later converted himself into a Sunni Muslim. Muslim community is largely and importantly is believed to be divided into two communities - namely, Sunni and Shiite (Shia) sects. Nation of Islam is definitely not a category of Islam. They have borrowed certain elements from it, but cannot be termed as a Islamic religion. Whereas, Malcolm X, did died as a Sunni Muslim, so you can term him as a Muslim, only on the condition that he believed in the principles of Islam and of Sunni sect.

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Yes he is, there are many videos which prove he has accepted Islam as a religion and become a Muslim

What is the definition of caliph?

The English term 'caliph' means the civil and religious leader of a Muslim state considered to be a representative of Allah on earthHint on the answer above:In Islam religion, no one who ever, even prophets, is considered representative of Allah (God in English) on earth. Otherwise, the caliph could not be debated and his sayings and doings should be accepted blindly, This is against Islam teachings and basic principles.

Robin van pirsie Muslim or Jesus?

He is also a Islam|Muslim convert, the result (it is believed) of a childhood friendship with his school's Morocco|Moroccanjanitor.

Why should Hindu become a Muslim?

Because, there are a number of explanations on why islam/muslim is the right religions, if they really want to become muslim then they should research about islam, but at the end of the day, its your choice if you want to convert or not. Nobody can change whats in your heart and if someone wants to be muslim then its up to the individual.