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Q: Which selection is best described as a statement that sounds good but is essentially meaningless?
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a statement that sounds good but is essentially meaningless

A statement that sounds good but is essentially meaningless?

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Which document is best described as a statement of democratic principles rather than a framework for government?

The Declaration of Independence is best described as a statement of democratic principles.

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If statement is single selection statement,whereas the switch statement is multiple selective.

The Declaration of Independence could best be described as a defining statement of American?

The Declaration of Independence could be described in may ways. There is no "best" one.It was a statement of American existenceIt was a statement of American identityIt was, and still is a statement of American hope for the country and for the people.And, of course, it can be described as a statement of American independence - the very reason for the existence of the document.

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Natural Selection

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There are no themes of geography described below

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The mission statement for Nordstrom is to offer the customer the best possible service, selection, quality and value.

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Stress management skills

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Natural Selection