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An example of a skin sensation could be burning or tingling. A burning or tingling sensation of the skin can occur due to irritation from a substance or environmental factors.

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Q: Which sensation is the skin sensitive to?
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What is some words that start with sens?

Sensory, sensation, sensitive, consensus. That's all the words I know with "sens" in it.

Why is your skin sensitive?

You have sensitive skin because you were probably born with it.

Why is sensation more on the dorsal surface of the forearm?

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What is sensitive skin?

Sensitive skin is skin can have reactions to a lot of products and can scar or burn easily and get rashes. Products for sensitive skin usually have no flavors, minimal chemicals, etc.

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Avon Anew is safe for sensitive skin. People who have sensitive skin can use the product and be safe using it.

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i use dove sensitive skin cucumber and green tea or something. it works great i have very sensitive skin

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Where is a sensation actually perceived?

Sensations are actually perceived in the brain. The sensory organs such as the skin, eyes, ears, and taste buds gather information from the environment, which is then sent as electrical signals to the brain for interpretation.

What is the form of sensitive?

The base noun, and the verb, is sense. The noun for sensitive is sensitivity. Related nouns are sensation and the gerund sensing.

How do you make a sentence with sensitive?

My skin is sensitive today.

What affect will menthol have when added to topical preparation?

Menthol produces a cooling sensation on the skin. This is not an actual lowering of skin temperature, but occurs because it directly triggers the nerves that are sensitive to cold. It may also enhance the effects of other compounds in the topical preparation.