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Q: Which sense most easily brings up emotional memories?
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Is a sense that is linked to memories especially strong emotional ones?

Yes, the sense of smell is closely linked to memories, particularly emotional memories, due to its connection to the brain's limbic system. Smells can evoke powerful, vivid memories and emotions because they are processed in the same areas of the brain responsible for memory and emotion.

What are the essential attributes that the receiver of memories must have?

The receiver of memories must have empathy, emotional stability, and a strong sense of duty to bear the weight of others' memories without being overwhelmed by them. They must also possess a keen intuition to interpret and understand the memories being transferred accurately.

When you are full-grown in the emotional sense you will reach?

When you are full grown in the emotional sense, you will reach emotional maturity.

Why is the narrator so happy to see the Alice may?

The narrator is happy to see the Alice May because it represents a connection to their past and childhood. The boat brings back memories and emotions that are tied to a sense of nostalgia and comfort for the narrator.

How did the memories of the problems of 1923 help Hitler?

Memories of the problems of 1923 helped Hitler in the sense that these memories just made him even more callous, and absolutely ruthless than he already was.

Needs that affect your feelings and sense of well being?


What is an antonym for the word intuition?

An antonym for intuition (instinctive or emotional sense) would be reasoning (logical sense).

Why do smells evoke memories?

The sense of smell is one of only five senses thus rendering it to be quite powerful, no? Scents are locked with our emotions. That is why the scent of pot roast make us feel warm and safe because it brings back the memories of mom in the kitchen or why the scent of fresh baked sugar cookies makes us giddy like children on Christmas morning.

Why people miss back home?

People often miss their home because of the comfort and familiarity it provides, along with the emotional connections to family and friends. The memories associated with home can also evoke feelings of nostalgia and a sense of belonging that may be hard to replicate elsewhere.

What is a emotional border?

Emotional border is the range to which a person can sense an emotion. After that it just goes wild and the emotion breaks down.

What does emotional intelligence mean?

means you have common sense as well intelligence

How and why does sniffing improve your sense of smell?

brings more air into contact with the receptors..