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A cat's hearing not only is more sensitive than a human's, it is also directional; they can swivel their ears to home in on a sound.

A cat's vision is more acute than a human's; they can see smaller objects and track them better, and they can see in the dark better than humans. However, their color vision is much more limited, and they cannot see higher-frequency light, blue and violet.

A cat's sense of taste is better developed, largely because of the sense of smell being better. A cat is able to sense differences in scent marks when the marks themselves are barely perceptible to the best-trained humans.

There is also some sense, possibly extra abilities with scent, associated with the vomeronasal organ, but we have no information about what that organ does or how it does it.

Cats also have excellent sense of orientation, which helps them land on their feet if they fall from a height.

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Q: Which senses in cats are sharper than those in people?
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What senses in cat are sharper than people?

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