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Q: Which sentence from the world on turtle's back best illustrates why the story is considered a creation myth?
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What are some cult's Creation myths?

Turtles, Jesus, Gods.

Are ornate box turtles considered aquatic turtles?

No ornate box turtles are not aquatic turtles. They are usually found in grasslands

What classification of animals do to turtles belong to?

All turtles are considered reptiles.

How to use disabuse in a sentence?

i like turtles

What is the adjective in three turtles swam in the pond?

The words three and the are both adjectives in that sentence.

What is the adjective in the sentence Three turtles swam in the pond?

three turtles swam on the pond .Find the adjective

Are turtles carnivores or omnivore's?

Turtles are considered Omnivores for they will eat a variety of meat and often even seaweed

What is a sentence that has 8 syllables for turtle?

turtles are the coolest animal.

What is more than one turtle considered?

Two turtles would be a pair of turtles. Collective nouns for a group of turtles: # a bale of turtles # a turn of turtles See Related links below this box for more information and references.

What sentences show the correct subject-verb agreement Under the house is two big turtles or Under the hose are two big turtles?

The sentence that shows the correct subject-verb agreement would be "Under the house are two big turtles." To make the first sentence correct it would have to read "Under the house are too big turtles" indicating that the turtles are too large to be under the house.

How can the word 'carapace' be used in a sentence?

Turtles rely on a hard carapace to protect them.

Do sea turtles need to be capitalized?

No, but if the word "sea" is in the front of a sentence, then yes.