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Q: Which sentence shows how jointly held powers listed in the U.S. Constitution could lead to tension among the branches of U.S. government?
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What are the two branches of the legislature jointly called?

What are they jointly called the two branches in legislature?Read more: What_are_they_jointly_called_the_two_branches_in_legislature

A public program that is jointly funded jointly administered and jointly determined by both state and national government is an example of?

A public program that is jointly funded jointly administered and jointly determined by both state and national government is an example of cooperative federalism.

How is Medicaid program controlled?

jointly by the federal and state government

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jointly by the federal and state government

What is an example of the Constitutional principle of separation of powers?

Only the House of Representatives can introduce a Money Bill. The House and Senate balance each other; neither one has all the power but work jointly. The President can veto any bill the Legislature passes. Only the Congress can declare war.The States cannot violate the Constitution, or Federal Laws. But in most areas, the Federal government cannot tell the States what to do, as long as the States do not violate the Constitution.

How do you use tetrarchy in a sentence?

The noun 'tetrarchy' is a word for a government run by four jointly ruling people.A noun functions as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition.Examples:A tetrachrchy was commonly used by the Romans to rule their provinces. (subject of the sentence)The Romans considered a tetrachrchy a stable government because four rulers had to be overcome to eliminate the power structure. (direct object of the verb 'considered')

Why do you have a national government?

A national government emerged first through the continental congress, an attempt by the colonies to jointly discuss grievances; and then under the first national government--the articles of confederation--as an attempt to keep some functioning relationship. Federalism sort of snowballed from there through the constitution, Hamiltonians/federalists, during the Civil War, and notably under FDR.

What are three important sources of English traditions and customs that are apart of English constitution?

There is no definitive English Constitution, the Magna Carta, Bill of Rights and the Human Rights Act 1998 perhaps... But the "constitution" is unwritten (uncodified) and so is source of some debate ... English constitution is made up by precedent, statute and other numerous laws which jointly establish a constitution but its not all in one place

Which delegate proposed a new strong central government headed by three people serving jointly as chief executive?

Roger Sherman

What rhymes with jointly?

There are no perfect rhymes for the word jointly.

What government was first introduced in Athens in 526 bc?

In 527-526 after the tyrant Peisistratus died he was replaced jointly by his sons Hipparchus and Hippias.

Who drafted the US Constitution?

The US Constitution was drafted jointly by many men involved in it directly and indirectly. They were called the framers. The three most important men involved were Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine and John Adams. Most of the actual writing was done by Governor Morris of Pennsylvania. However the fourth President of the US James Madison is known as the 'Father of the Constitution' as he authored most part of the constitution.