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Don Anselmo is a static character because he remains consistent in his beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors throughout the story without undergoing significant change or development.

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Q: Which sentence tell why Don Anselmo is a static character?
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What does the discussion tell you about Don Anselmo's personality?

Don Anselmo's personality seems to be caring and generous, as he offers to care for the orphaned boy. He appears to be wise and compassionate, prioritizing the well-being of others above his own comfort. His actions suggest that he is selfless and values human connections.

Who are the dynamic and static characters in The Crucible?

Mary Warren is the dynamic character in the play. she changes from being a servant who listens word by word to john proctor and Elizabeth . by the end she tells she is with the court and cannot tell what proctor ask her to tell.

Do the young boy likes and respects don anselmo?

It is his view if he likes him or not. One has to ask him about that thing. If he likes him he will tell it to you.

Write a sentence using character?

she has a strong character. I could tell from the boy's character that he was rude, mean and frankly, a bully! So that it will be easier to collect the harvest, Margaret decided to hire some people to help her.

Can you tell show me a sentence using the word factitious?

Sherlock Holmes was a factitious character made up by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Frankenstein was a factitious character, it means not real, so anything artificial.

What kind of figurative sentence is these single shoes don't tell their secrets?

The sentence "these single shoes don't tell their secrets" is an example of personification, as it attributes human qualities (secrets) to inanimate objects (shoes).

How do you tell if static electricity is in you?

Actually your heart is always using electricity.

What is a Precis on Maniac Magee it needs to be in a certain format?

This is the format Skip a line. 1st Sentence: Discuss the setting. 2nd Sentence: Tell about the main character/characters. 3rd Sentence: Discuss the main conflict. Be sure to identify the type of conflict (e.g. man vs. man). 4th Sentence: Discuss the plot. 5th Sentence: Discuss more of the plot. 6th Sentence: Tell about the denouement or resolution of the story. 7th Sentence: Discuss the theme of the novel.

What kind of character is well described but does not change?

A static character is one who remains consistent throughout the story without undergoing any notable change in personality, beliefs, or actions. These characters often serve as a point of reference for the reader to measure the growth or development of other characters.

How can you tell if a person is a protagonist in a novel?

You can tell by how the character is written. Behavior of a character will tell you along with the authors description.

How can you tell static electricity has been discharged?

Light is released and you can feel a shock