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Q: Which shows a way to represent a single covalent bond between atoms?
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Which shows a way to represent a single covenant bond between atoms?

A single straight line is used to represent a single covalent bond between atoms. As examples,C-H is a carbon bonded to a hydrogen by a single covalent bond. S-O is a sulfur bonded to an oxygen by a single covalent bond.

How many electrons are associated with a single covalent bond between two atoms?

A single covalent bond between two atoms has 2 electrons.

What do the dots in double and triple bonding in chemistry mean?

They represent the [single] double and triple covalent chemical bonds between atoms.

What does a dash represent when written between two carbon symbols in a diagram of a chain or ring of carbon atoms?

if it is a single dash then it means a single covalent bond.

If two electrons are shared between atoms it is said to be what covalent bond?

a single

What do double covalent bond means?

Double covalent bonds are formed by sharing four electrons between two atoms. In contrast, single covalent bonds share two electrons between two atoms.

How many atoms can form up to a single covalent bond?

minimum two atoms are for single covalent bond

What is a compound that contains only single covalent bonds between carbon atoms?

An alkane.

What are the difference between single and double covalent bond?

In single covalent bond, one pair of electron is shared between two atoms (C-C). In a double covalent bond, two pairs of electrons are shared between two atoms (C=C). Double bonds are shorter in length and more stronger than that of single bonds.

What does this picture represent?

Atoms with a covalent bond

The number of electrons shared between two atoms forming a single covalent bond?


Number of electrons shared between two atoms forming a single covalent bond is?