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North. South was mainly agricultural.

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Q: Which side of the civil war had the advantage in basic resources population food producation and Industrial capacity?
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What are the advantage of natural resources?

An advantage of Natural Resources would be the option for renewable resources.

What was one advantage the north had during the war?

The north had more railroad systems, had a huge population advantage so the south was out-numbered, and they had more resources. Theres more than one to choose from for you.

What is advantages of natural resources?

An advantage of Natural Resources would be the option for renewable resources.

Why was population such a big advantage during the Civil War?

Both sides of the conflict had routienly exchanged prisoners in the early stages of the Civil War, with a larger population the North elected to go with a war of attrition which eventually wore the troop resources of the South down.

Advantage of low population?

One advantage of low population is less strain on resources such as water, food, and energy. This can lead to less competition, lower pollution levels, and a higher quality of life for residents. Additionally, low population areas may experience less traffic congestion and lower rates of crime.

Why you need increase in production of power resources of Pakistan?

An increase in production of power resources of Pakistan because the economy is not good for the good economy we have to increase our energy resources. The population is increasing and it is used vital in agricultural. Domestic and industrial sector broadly.

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The population of Burlington Resources is 2,200.

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Teck Resources's population is 2,008.

What is Teck Resources's population?

Teck Resources's population is 7,300.

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The population of Bumi Resources is 2,007.

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Hillsborough Resources's population is 138.

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Gabriel Resources's population is 500.