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Both. The genetics of eye color are more complicated than previously thought. Color is determined by multiple genes. The genetics of eye color are so complex, that almost any parent-child combination of eye colors can occur.

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12y ago

The genetics of eye color are more complicated than previously thought. Color is determined by multiple genes. The genetics of eye color are so complex, that almost any parent-child combination of eye colors can occur.

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Q: Which side of the family do you get your eye color from?
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Foxleap gets his ginger color from his mother's side of the family.

Where do cats get their eye color?

From someone in it's family

From whom do you inherit eye color hair color and so on?

Both sides of the family. The genetics of eye color are more complicated than previously thought. Color is determined by multiple genes. The genetics of eye color are so complex, that almost any parent-child combination of eye colors can occur. As for hair, the genetics for hair color are not yet firmly established. Almost anything is possible if it runs in the family.

Can babies eye color be predicted?

No, unless only one color runs on both sides of the family. The genetics of eye color are more complicated than previously thought. Color is determined by multiple genes. The genetics of eye color are so complex, that almost any parent-child combination of eye colors can occur.

What do police need to find a murderer?

eye color. clothes being worn, hair color family problems and blah blah blah

Why is the color of the eye different from the color around the eye?

The color of the eye is determined by the amount and type of pigments in the iris of the eye.

What color are snooki's eye color?

Her eye color is Brown. You Welcome.

What is the color of the eye called?

Tha color of the eye

Both parents have brown eyes. What color eyes with children have?

Brown, unless other colors run in the family. The genetics of eye color are more complicated than previously thought. Color is determined by multiple genes. The genetics of eye color are so complex, that almost any parent-child combination of eye colors can occur.

What is Niall Horan eye color?

His eye's are blue.

If your boyfriend and his dad are the only ones in all of their family that have blue eyes while everyone else has green and everyone in your family has brown eyes what color eyes will your baby have?

Eye color is passed along by polygenic inheritance, meaning that more than one gene is involved. It's hard to predict eye color for this reason.

Does eye color determine color blindness?

Eye color has nothing to do with whether you are color blind or not.