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The right side of the heart as venous blood. The right atrium fills with venous blood and the Right ventricle pumps the de-oxygenated blood to the lungs via the pulmonary arteries. Then the re-oxygenated blood pools into the Left atrium vi the pulmonary vein and then the left ventricle is responsible for pumping the blood throughout the body.

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Q: Which side of the heart is a low- pressure system that pumps venous blood to the lungs?
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What does the venous system do?

The venous system is responsible for returning deoxygenated blood from the tissues back to the heart. It transports this blood through a network of veins, which have valves to prevent the backflow of blood. The venous system also plays a role in regulating blood volume and pressure in the body.

What controls venous blood pressure?

The heart. All blood pressure is controlled by the heart.

Arterial blood tends to be what while venous blood is what?

Arterial blood is under direct pressure from the heart and is oxygen rich, which venous blood is oxygen poor and is under low pressure.

What is the difference between the blood in most veins and in most arteries?

The primary differences between venous blood and arterial blood are that arterial blood is oxygenated, under great pressure, and is moving from the heart, and that venous blood is deoxygenated, under low pressure, and is moving towards the heart.

What type of bleeding is easiest to control?

Venous blood flow is easiest to control. Arterial blood flow is hardest to control because it is under pressure from the heart.

What are the three major part of your circulatory system?

Very simply put the venous system, the arterial system and your heart. The venous system bring blood from your organs and extremities to your heart, which pumps it and the arterial system takes it from your heart to your organs and extremities.

What are components of the cardiovascular system?

blood vessel bloodstream heart liver lymph lymph gland lymph node vein vena venation venous blood system venous blood vessel

What is central venous pressure in medical terms?

The central venous pressure or right atrial pressure is the pressure of the blood in the thoracic vena cava near the right atrium. The pressure reflects the amount of blood that return to the heart and can be pumped back through the body.

Where does venous system carry blood?

All veins carry blood TO the heart, while arteries carry blood AWAY from the heart (A-rtery = A-way).

Where is blood pressure the slowest?

I am sure you mean the lowest. It is the lowest in the venous side of the circulatory system and it is highest in the arteries right off the heart. The very lowest blood pressure would be in the veins and the blood flow will need help to move blood back to the heart by muscle contractions and breathing. There is where the blood flow is the slowest.

Which vessels transport blood toward the heart and have valves?

The venous system, or "veins" are responsible for bringing blood back from your peripheral body to the right side of the heart, where it is sent to the lungs for reoxygenation. Veins have one way valves that function to maintain a stable pressure in the venous system, while increasing the efficiency of the heart by preventing backflow of blood in between ventricular beats.

What is the effect of hypovolemic shock on the blood vessels and the heart?

Blood vessels constrict to increase venous return and maintain pressure. Heart rate increases to compensate for loss of blood pressure and to maintain cardiac output.