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Q: Which side should the 8Th grade graduation tassel hang on?
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What side of the graduation cap should the tassel hang for high school?

According to the answer posted for another question, US protocol is for it to start on the student's right and be moved during the ceremony to the left.

What side does the tassle start on for graduation?

Traditionally, at the ceremony, the tassel hangs to the right, then either en masse or as the diploma/degree is given, it is switched to the left. For the purposes of photographs taken before you graduate you should hang the tassel to the left as the pictures are of a graduate, not of a someone who will graduate.

How do you hang a tassel on the rear view mirror of a 2010 Honda accord?

Sometimes the mirrors are too thick to hang tassels are traditional Asian amulets. In this case, you will need to cut the loop on top of the tassel and tie it around the mirror like a necklace.

What side of mortarboard should tassel hang before receiving diploma?

For high school graduations and undergraduate degrees, it goes on the right before you graduate and is then switched to the left after you graduate. For masters degrees and doctorates, it starts on the left and stays on the left. It is not moved before, during, or after graduation.

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Where should you go on a double date in sixth grade?

to the movies or just go to a place to eat and just hang out and have fun :)

Can you hang up graduation pictures before you graduate?

Once you pay for the photo, it is yours to do what you want.

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you need to hang out a lot

What does a girl in Grade 11 do if she likes a guy in grade nine but has never been able to hang out with him?

Hang out with him. Make small talk and get to know him a little. You never really know if you like someone until you get to know them.

Should you hang out with your friends or your boyfriend?

you should hang out with.......... boyfriend............. don't no y

How do you get a 5th grade cool boy to like you?

Talk to them but don't be a stalker. Share notes, or whatever. You should be his friend and hang out and like always have his back, BUT DON'T BE A STALKER!

At what age should a kid get a cellphone?

i believe a kid should get a cell phone 5th or 6th grade. that's when kids start doing more afterschool activities and hang out with friends even more.