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Exposed to radiation for several days

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Q: Which situation would most likely produce a gene mutation in a squirrel?
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A mutation occurs in a heart of a developing squirrel the mutation disrupts the formation of a certain protein what will most likely happen to the squirrel?

The squirrel will have a heart that does not function correctly.

Which kind of mutation is most likely to produce a protein with one extra amino acid?

A frameshift mutation

Would a point mutation or a frame shift mutation more likely produce a neutral mutation?

A point shift mutation is more likely to produce a neutral reaction. This is because it involves a change in one nucleotide. A frame shift mutation is more deleterious because it involves the insertion or deletion of multiple base pairs within a gene's coding sequence.

Will a mutation that occurs in a skin cell be passed on to organism offspring?

Depends on how likely the mutation is to occur (how dominate) and on the genetics of the other parent. If the offspring is a clone, the mutation will be passed from parent to clone.

A mutation occurs in the sex cells of a full-grown zebra. The mutation affects the genes responsible for producing blood proteins. What will most likely happen to the zebra?

The zebra will have offspring who cannot produce blood proteins.

Mutations in introns are less likely to affect phenotype then mutation in exons?

Mutations in introns are less likely to affect phenotype because introns are not translated into protein, unlike exons which contain coding regions for proteins. Introns are involved in regulation of gene expression through processes such as alternative splicing, but mutations within introns typically have a more subtle impact on gene expression compared to mutations in coding regions (exons).

What will most likely happen to the squirrel?

The squirrel will have a heart that does not function right.

An error in genetic information present in a body cell of a mammal would most likely produce?

a mutation that will affect the synthesis of a certain protein in the cell

A certain mutant bacterial cell cannot produce substance x. the mutation was most likely the result of a change in the?

gene that codes for a specific protein

What mutation most likely can affect a cow offspring?

A mutation in egg cells

Can you get attacked by a squirrel?

You can, but it is not likely to happen.

What is the most likely example of a favorable mutation?

A mutation that makes a rabbit able to run faster.