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Q: Which social class suffered most during the early Tokugawa period?
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Social reforms brought about in the Indian society during Medieval Period?

Social reforms brought about in the Indian society during Medieval Period include the rise of Indian feudalism and proliferation of castes. It also includes development in local cultures as well as development in literature.

What was the meiji restoration?

Meiji Restoration, in Japanese history, the political revolution that brought about the fall of the Tokugawa shogunate and returned control of the country to direct imperial rule under the emperor Meiji, beginning an era of major political, economic, and social change known as the Meiji period.

Which social class were the men in government from in Rome?

During the 244-year period of the monarchy the king run the government. During the 482-year period of the Roman Republic two annually elected consuls were in charge and they were either patricians (aristocrats) or rich plebeians (commoners). During the 503-year period of rule by emperors, the emperors were absolute rulers.

Which social class had the power to make the laws in the roman empire?

No social class had the power to make laws in the Romans Empire. During the period of the Roman Republic, the consuls (the two annually elected heads of the republic) submitted bills to the vote of the Assembly of the Soldiers and the plebeian tribunes (the representatives of the plebeians) submitted bills to the vote of the Plebeian Council. During the period of rule by emperors the emperors issued the laws.

What social institution played a significant role in instigating social change during the civil rights movement?

The social institution that played a significant role in instigating social change during the civil rights movement was the church. Many African American churches served as crucial meeting places, organizing hubs, and platforms for spreading the message of equality and justice. Religious leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. and organizations like the Southern Christian Leadership Conference played a pivotal role in mobilizing and inspiring activists during this period.

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The Tokugawa period, also known as the Edo period, of Japan collapsed due to unrest in the early 1800s. The government was being poorly managed which deteriorated the social classes. Western intrusion began to open Japan to the influence of the rest of the world. Also, famine and natural disasters caused many issues, especially in the peasant class.

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The pre-colonial social structure of the Philippines was mainly organized into barangays or small communities led by a datu or chieftain. Society was stratified with the datu and nobility at the top, followed by freemen, serfs, and slaves. Kinship ties and familial relationships played a significant role in social organization and governance.

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Social position power during the feudal period were based on?

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The segregation of males and females.