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Conflict perspective

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The conflict theory perspective emphasizes that schools in the US foster competition through built-in systems of rewards and punishments. This perspective views society as being divided by power struggles, with schools serving to reproduce existing inequalities by preparing students for their roles in the workforce.

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Q: Which sociological prespective emphasize that school in us foster competition through built in systems of rewards and punishments?
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Sociological perspective most likely to emphasize that we and they feelings promote in-group solidarity and a sense of belonging?

A conflict perspective in sociology is likely to emphasize that "we" and "they" feelings promote in-group solidarity by creating a sense of unity and collective identity among members. This perspective highlights how group boundaries are maintained through the distinction between "us" and "them," which can lead to social cohesion within the group.

What is the concept of race from a sociological perspective?

Race is a social construct that categorizes people based on physical characteristics such as skin color. In sociology, race is understood as a system of power and privilege that shapes social hierarchies and inequalities. Sociologists emphasize that race is not biological but is created and maintained through societal beliefs and practices.

What is the sociological nature of individual and dual sports?

Individual sports emphasize personal achievement, self-discipline, and independence, while dual sports involve cooperation, teamwork, and communication between two individuals. Both types of sports can contribute to personal development, socialization, and the formation of relationships with others through shared experiences and competition. Individual sports tend to highlight self-reliance and internal motivation, while dual sports often focus on collaboration and mutual support.

Which sociological perspective distinguishes between instrumental and expressive roles?

The structural functionalist perspective distinguishes between instrumental roles, which focus on tasks and goals, and expressive roles, which emphasize emotions and relationships within a social group. Instrumental roles are typically associated with the breadwinner or provider in the family, while expressive roles are more aligned with caregiver or emotional support roles.

Which sociological perspectives believes that the most powerful groups and institutions control wealth property and the means of producing beliefs about reality through religion education and the me?

Marxist perspective believes that the most powerful groups and institutions control wealth, property, and the means of producing beliefs about reality through religion, education, and the media. They emphasize the role of economic power in shaping social relationships and maintaining inequality.

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How are sociological theories of crime different from psychological theories?

Sociological theories of crime emphasize the role of social factors, such as poverty and social inequality, in influencing criminal behavior. On the other hand, psychological theories focus on individual characteristics, such as personality traits and cognitive processes, in understanding criminal behavior. In essence, sociological theories look at external influences on crime, while psychological theories focus on internal influences.

What is the major difference between sociological and psychological theories used to explain deviance?

Sociological theories of deviance focus on how social structure and interactions influence behavior, while psychological theories emphasize individual traits and psychological factors that contribute to deviant behavior. Sociological theories consider deviance as a social construct shaped by norms and values, whereas psychological theories often examine internal processes like personality or cognition.

What happen to the language of the story when god delivers these punishments?

In the story where God delivers punishments, the language typically becomes more forceful and authoritative to emphasize God's power and the seriousness of the situation. The tone might shift to convey a sense of divine justice and retribution, highlighting the impact of God's actions on the characters involved.

What happens to the language of the story when god delivers these punishments?

In the story of "The Book of Job," the language becomes more poetic and majestic, reflecting the divine nature of God as he delivers his punishments. The language becomes more introspective and philosophical as God challenges Job's understanding of suffering and righteousness. Overall, the language shifts to emphasize the mystery and power of God's presence in the narrative.

Sociological perspective most likely to emphasize that we and they feelings promote in-group solidarity and a sense of belonging?

A conflict perspective in sociology is likely to emphasize that "we" and "they" feelings promote in-group solidarity by creating a sense of unity and collective identity among members. This perspective highlights how group boundaries are maintained through the distinction between "us" and "them," which can lead to social cohesion within the group.

Is emphasize a verb?

Emphasize is a verb

A sentence for emphasize?

We should emphasize on improving our verbals skills. This is a sentence containing emphasize.

What is Emphasize in a sentence?

We should emphasize on our studies more. This is a sample sentence containing emphasize.

How can I use emphasize in a sentence?

I should not have to emphasize further. Let me emphasize my most poignant points.

Why did the author most likely include information about the Spanish-American war?

It was most likely included to emphasize a dangerous situation.

What is the past tense of emphasize?

The past tense of emphasize is emphasized.