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Q: Which sociological research method is best used to study what cannot be directly observed?
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How does emile durkheim define social facts?

Émile Durkheim defines social facts as external, objective realities that exert constraint and influence on individuals within a society. These facts are characterized by their coercive nature, existing independently of individual will, and can be observed through their effects on behavior and beliefs across a collective.

How would the three sociological perspective view cloning?

Structural functionalism: Would view cloning as a means to enhance society by solving health issues and improving quality of life. Conflict theory: May see cloning as widening the gap between those who can afford it and those who cannot, potentially leading to social inequality. Symbolic interactionism: Would focus on the social implications of cloning, such as changing perceptions of self-identity and relationships between individuals and technology.

What are sociologists adavantages and disadvantages of using surveys?

Advantages of using surveys in sociology include the ability to collect large amounts of quantitative data quickly, cost-effectiveness, and the possibility of studying a wide range of topics. However, disadvantages may include low response rates, potential for response bias, and difficulty in capturing complex or nuanced information.

What are the steps of social research?

The steps of social research typically include identifying a research topic, reviewing existing literature, defining research questions, selecting a research design, collecting data, analyzing data, drawing conclusions, and communicating results through a research report or publication.

What is the term describing a social group that someone is born into and cannot change?


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theory....nuf said

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Is it true models help people study things that cannot be observed directly?

Yes, that's true.

What is beyond the scope of science?

Anything that cannot be observed directly must be inferred. theories are extrpolated and then tested to destruction.

Is selfishness an abstract noun?

Yes. It is an emotional or behavioral characteristic, an abstract concept that cannot be directly observed.

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They simulate complex biological systems that cannot be studied directly

Do models help people study things that cannot be observed directly? shows things you cannot see right now like a map look at it and it shows the world

How have computer models expanded biological research?

They simulate complex biological systems that cannot be studied directly

What is a psychological construct?

A concept used to describe specific psychological activity or a pattern of activity that is believed to occur or exist, but cannot be directly observed or measured.

What is constuct?

"Construct validity is the extent to which an instrument measures a characteristic that cannot be directly observed but is assumed to exist based on patterns in people's behavior( such a characteristic is a construct). Motivation, creativity, prejudice, bedside manner--all of these are constructs in that none of these can be directly observed and measured" (Leedy & Ormrod, 2010, p. 92)