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Q: Which soil develops in the wettest climate the driest?
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Which soil develops in the wettest climate?


Which soil develops in the driest climate?

The Driest it the desert of course!

In what climate does soil form the fastest?

Soil forms quickest in in warm rainy climates. As a result soil develops faster in these areas.

How do climate and landforms affect the soils characteristics?

The soil that forms in a hot, wet climate is very different from the soil that develops in a cold, dry climate. Climate influences the characteristics of developing soil because the climate influences the weathering of the rock. The four soil types that develop in different climate regions are: tropical, desert, temperate, and arctic.

How does climate affect soil?

soil characteristics develop as a result of their oriqin and development soils beqins as a particular rock material and develops slowly over many years, each soil is a product of a combination of: parent material, climate. livinq orqanisms, topoqraphy and time.

What effect does climate have on parent material?

Parent material composition has a direct impact on soil chemistry and fertility. The parent material is the material that soil develops from, or material that has been deposited by wind, water, or ice. That is how the climate effects the parent material.

What factors in an area help to determine the type of soil and the thickness and composition of the layers?

Climate can affect what type of soil develops in a certain area. For example, Deserts are dry, and the soil contains little organic material. In a temperate forest, the soil is mild and moist. Parent rock, time, and slopes are some of the factors that affect the soil. For example, on steep slopes, soil horizons often are poorly developed.

How does the weather affect the soil in an area?

soil characteristics develop as a result of their oriqin and development soils beqins as a particular rock material and develops slowly over many years, each soil is a product of a combination of: parent material, climate. livinq orqanisms, topoqraphy and time.

How does climate affect soil development?

If there is a very cold, dry climate then the soil will not get the nutrients it needs to be heathly. But if the climate is warm and wet then the soil will be rich and full of nutrients.

How did the soil and climate of the Americas affect slavery?

the climate and soil affected slaves because if the soil and weather was good the slaves would have to work on the plantations

Why was the Delaware valley called ''the best poor man's country''?

Rich soil and a mild climate made farming successful.==apex

How does climate affects the development of soil?

The climate changes the development find if the soil will be harsh soft good for farming or not