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HNO3= nitric acid

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3w ago

You can use a solvent like ethanol to separate benzoin from benzil. Benzoin is more soluble in ethanol compared to benzil, allowing for their separation. By manipulating the solubilities of the two compounds, you can dissolve benzoin first and then precipitate benzil out of the solution.

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Petroleum ether

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Q: Which solvent should you use to separate benzoin from benzil?
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How do you separate salt and sugar?

One way to separate salt and sugar is by dissolving the mixture in water and then using a process such as filtration or evaporation to separate the two compounds. Since salt is soluble in water and sugar is not, the salt will dissolve in the water while the sugar remains as a solid.

When should evaporation be used to separate a mixture?

Evaporation is best used to separate a mixture when the components have significantly different boiling points, allowing one component to vaporize while the other remains as a liquid or solid. This method is commonly employed when separating a solute from a solvent in a solution.

How do you separate substances in red ink?

One common way to separate substances in red ink is through chromatography. By applying a solvent to the ink and allowing it to travel up a specialized paper, different components in the ink will separate based on their solubility. This technique can reveal the individual components that make up the red ink.

How can you separate a mixture of solids dissolved in the same solvent?

Lets say you have mixture of sand and salt. Put your mixture on a filter paper and by using a strong magnet you should be able to separate sand from salt. Using a magnet is a powerful way to separate out one solid from another in a mixture.

Why can the pigment spot on chromatography paper not be submerged in solvent?

The pigment spot on chromatography paper should not be submerged in solvent because it will result in spreading and mixing of the pigments, making it difficult to distinguish them. Instead, the solvent should be allowed to slowly travel up the paper by capillary action, separating the pigments based on their solubility and mobility.

Related questions

How much tincture of benzoin should be used to fix alcohol in perfumery?

If you have actual benzoin, use it as opposed to your tincture of benzoin. Unless you know the strength of your benzoin tincture, you could go from there. 1-3% might be a good start. How about 1.5%. eg: 98.5% perfumers' alcohol, 1.5% benzoin.

How can oils be isolated in water?

Oils can be isolated in water using techniques such as solvent extraction or centrifugation. Solvent extraction involves adding a solvent to the mixture of oil and water to separate the oil from water. Centrifugation involves spinning the mixture at high speeds to separate the oil, which is less dense, from the water.

Why should the recrystallization solvent have a fairly low boiling point?

Using a recrystallization solvent with a low boiling point allows for easy removal of the solvent by evaporation, facilitating the formation of pure crystals. It also helps prevent the loss of desired compound during the purification process.

How do you separate salt and sugar?

One way to separate salt and sugar is by dissolving the mixture in water and then using a process such as filtration or evaporation to separate the two compounds. Since salt is soluble in water and sugar is not, the salt will dissolve in the water while the sugar remains as a solid.

When should evaporation be used to separate a mixture?

Evaporation is best used to separate a mixture when the components have significantly different boiling points, allowing one component to vaporize while the other remains as a liquid or solid. This method is commonly employed when separating a solute from a solvent in a solution.

Should you take your vitamins with orange juice?

most vitamins should be taken with a meal and a does not mater if the solvent is water, juice or milk

How do you make a sentence out of solvent?

Always test the solvent on a small hidden place on the garment before applying it to the stain. A man who is not financially solvent should not ask a woman to marry him.

Which extinguisher should be used on solvent?

A type B extinguisher.

What should be the solvent other than water and alcohol?


What are the criteria in choosing a good recrystallization solvent?

Dissolve the entire compound at the boiling point of the solvent.Dissolve very little or none of the compound when the solvent is at room temperature.Have different solubilities for the compound and the impuritiesHave a boiling point below the melting point of the compound so that the compound actually dissolves, not melts, in the hot solvent.Have a relatively low boiling point.

What happens when particles when they dissolve?

They dissapear.... i hope other people will answer this question because this is all i know. You should know that the particles in the salt spread apart and become smaller. Making it almost impossible to see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ------- Dissolution is explained by the breakdown of the crystal lattice of a given compound, followed by the release of separate molecules in the solvent.

What is the name for the idea that government should be separate from religion?

Secularism A Idea That Goverment Should Be Separate From Religion.