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Q: Which southern state was home to a large population of escaped slaves?
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Did a large majority of the southern population own slaves?

No, a large majority of the southern population did not own slaves. In fact, only a small percentage of white families in the southern states owned slaves during the antebellum period.

What did the large populations of the southern colonies depend upon?

Large percentages of the southern colonies consisted of African slaves.

What was the three fifths laws about?

The law was placed in the constitution to count slaves as 3/4 of a person when counting population for the House of Representatives. This was a compromise between the large southern states with large slaves populations and the northern colonies who were smaller in populations.

Why did the south want slaves included in there population?

The South worried since the number of representative in the House of Representative is chosen by the size of the population per state and since slaves made a large proportion of the population in the South compared to the Whites... That without the slaves being included in the population of the Southern states they would have a much smaller number of representatives in the Congress.

What job did drivers perform on large southern plantations?

They supervised the work of slaves. If slaves did not follow orders, they also punished the slaves.

What large farms used slaved labor?

Southern plantations used slaves.

Did all landowners in the south own slaves?

No, not all landowners in the South owned slaves. In fact, the majority of white families in the Southern states did not own any slaves. Slavery was more prevalent among large plantation owners, who made up a smaller percentage of the population.

What did Andrew Jackson do about the slaves?

Andrew Jackson had an affair on his wife with one of his African American slaves

Why were more slaves in the south?

The southern states had a climate and land large enough to support the growth of large cash crops. So slaves were brought to the south because they were able to endure the extreme conditions that southern farming called for.

Did A large majority of the white population of the South owned slaves?


Why did the southern colonies had the most slaves and the srictest slave codes?

The southern colonies had more slaves due to their reliance on labor-intensive crops like tobacco, rice, and cotton. The strict slave codes were a means to control the large enslaved population and prevent uprisings or rebellions. The economic and social structure of the southern colonies was heavily dependent on slavery, leading to harsher regulations to maintain the status quo.

Why did the large-scale farming develop in the sourhern colonies?

Large scale farming developed in the southern colonies because they had slaves to work the plantations.