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Abdominal tap, also referred to as paracentesis, is the medical procedure to remove the excess fluid from abdominal cavity

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Q: Which specialist doctor removes fluid from abdomen?
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Related questions

What impact does fluid in the abdomen have on the organs?

Fluid that accumulates in the abdomen creates abnormal pressures on organs in the abdomen.

A lumbar tap removes what kind of fluid?

cerebrospinal fluid

What is Serous fluid leaking from abdomen with no wound involved?

Possibly a fistula. See your doctor right away, as they can worsen quickly and may need surgical repair.

What are fluid filled cysts on the abdomen?


What are the two reasons to extract fluid from the abdomen?

There are two reasons to take fluid out of the abdomen. One is to analyze it for diagnostic purposes; the other is to relieve pressure.

How are ganglion cysts removed through aspiration?

An 18- or 22-gauge needle attached to a 20-30-mL syringe is inserted into the cyst. The doctor removes the fluid slowly by suction.

What impact does cancer have on the leakage of peritoneal fluid?

Any cancer that begins in or spreads to the abdomen can leak fluid.

What diagnostic test removes cerebrospinal fluid with a needle?

lumbar puncture

Does the spinal fluid that drains into the abdomen create heart burn?

No, that is not possible.

How does fluid from the abdomen and the chest cavity interact?

Fluid is often found in both cavities, and fluid from one cavity can find its way into the other.

Fluid from heart failure first appears in what organ in the abdomen?

In the abdomen, the liver swells first, then it and other abdominal organs start to leak.

What is the name of the procedure that removes fluid surrounding the lung and heart?

pleural and pericardial