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Q: Which stage in the cardiac cycle does the blood flow in the atria?
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What is the stage of the cardiac cycle which precedes the resting period?

atrial systole <---- might be wrong

The stage of the heart cycle in which the heart muscle contacts and the chambers pump blood?

The sinoatrial node depolarizes the atria and causes them to contract which tops up the ventricles with blood, the signal then moves through the atrioventricular node and then the atrioventricular bundle and into the purkinje fibres which causes the ventricles to depolarize and contract sending blood from the right ventricle to the lungs and from the left ventricle. The Atria repolarizes at the same time as the ventricles depolarize and then a fraction of a second later the ventricles repolarize and the cycle begins again.

How many seconds are in one cardiac cycle?

The cardiac cycle is the sequence of events that makes up one heartbeat: * Oxygenated blood enters the left atrium of the heart under high pressure from the pulmonary vein, and deoxyenated blood enters the right atrium of the heart under low pressure from the vena cava. * The atria gradually fill and become distended. As they fill up the pressure in the atria exceeds the pressure in the ventricles, and the tri and bicuspid valves are forced open and some blood enters the relaxed ventricles. This stage is called diastole. * The atria then contract, in a stage called atrial systole, and blood is forced into the ventricles. Almost immediately after atrial systole, (approximately 0.1 seconds after) ventricular systole takes place where the ventricles contract. The bi and tricuspid valves slam shut, and the first heart sound 'Lub' is heard. * As pressure in the ventricles exceeds pressure in the aorta and pulmonary artery, the semilunar valves are forced open, and blood enters these elastic walled vessels. * Ventricular diastole follows. Some blood will tend to return back into the ventricles, but this causes the semilunar valves to slam shut. The second heart sound 'Dub' is heard. * The repeated relaxing and recoiling of the elastic fibres in the walls of the arteries as a result of ventricular systole forces blood along the arteries in a series of pulses. * The further away from the heart the blood is the less pronounced the pulse. * This whole series of events takes, on average, 0.8 seconds.

Describe the last stage of the heart cycle?

The last stage of the heart cycle occurs when the bicuspid valve slams shut and the oxygen-enriched blood pumped out of the left ventricle through the aorta. From the aorta, the blood is directed to the body's cells.

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A moth has a 4-stage life cycle.

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Diastole is a stage in which the heart is completely relaxed in order for blood to pour into the heart's atria (upper chambers). Although the rate at which the blood enters the heart increases (causing a slight increase in pressure), there is no contraction for the pressure to increase drastically.