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Q: Which stage of meiosis do chromatids separate and become daughter chromosomes?
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What is a meiotic nondisjunction event?

Nondisjunction is when homologous chromosomes fail to separate in Meiosis I, or sister chromatids fail to separate in Meiosis II or Mitosis. This results in daughter cells with an incorrect number of chromosomes.

What division of meiosis splits chromosomes?

In anaphase I of meiosis, the homologous pairs of chromosomes separate. Due to DNA replication and crossing over during prophase I, these chromosomes consist of a pair of non-identical sister chromatids. During anaphase II of meiosis, the sister chromatids separate into individual chromosomes.

What happens in meiosis during anaphase I?

The chromosomes split equally and move to the opposite sides of the cell.

When do homologous chromosomes separate into the daughter cells?

They are separated in Anaphase I of Meiosis I.

During meiosis the chromatids become daughter chromosomes during which stage?

Anaphase 2

During what does the sister chromatids of chromosomes separate and four haploid daughter cells are formed?

Plato users, Meiosis I. i dont know the answer , but this is not the answer !

What are the two cells called that the parent cell split into?

In animal cells (meiosis) the parent (which is a diploid cell with homologous pairs of chromosomes) seperates into two daughter cells containing the replicated pairs of sister chromatids. The process of meiosis is begun again (meiosis II) from which the sister chromatids separate into individual chromosomes. Then, the two diploid cells separate into 4 haploid daughter cells containing 1 chromosome. This is a generalized answer without the steps of meiosis described.

After telophase 1 of meiosis the chromosomal makeup of each daughter cell is?

haploid and the chromosomes are composed of two chromatids

What separates during meiosis 2?

In Meiosis, Anaphase 2 sister chromatids (individual strands) separate and one of each duplicate goes to each side of the cell.

During which phase of meiosis will the chromosomes appear as packets of four chromatids?

chromosomes appear as packets of four chromatids during anaphase. This is when the chromatids start to move and separate in preparation of the creation of four cells.

Do the chromosomes separate once in both mitosis and meiosis?

No. In mitosis the chromosomes separate once. In meiosis, in anaphase I, homologous chromosomes separate, but are still attached as sister chromatids. In anaphase II, the sister chromatids separate. So there are two chromosome separations in meiosis.

How does prophase you of meiosis differ from prophase of mitosis?

a. chromatids do not separate at the centromere in anaphase I. b. centromeres do not exist in anaphase I. c. crossing-over occurs only in anaphase of miitosis