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haploid and the chromosomes are composed of two chromatids

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Haploid, meaning each daughter cell has half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. Each chromosome consists of two sister chromatids.

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12y ago

haploid, and the chromosomes are composed of two chromatids

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Q: After telophase 1 of meiosis the chromosomal makeup of each daughter cell is?
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How do parents and daughters cells differ genetically in meiosis?

During meiosis, parents and daughter cells differ genetically because meiosis involves two rounds of cell division resulting in the halving of the genetic material. Parent cells are diploid (2n) and give rise to haploid (n) daughter cells with genetic variability due to crossing over and independent assortment. This leads to the creation of genetically unique daughter cells with a different combination of alleles than the parent cells.

Do karyotypes change over time?

No, a person's karyotype does not change over time. It remains constant throughout their life. Karyotypes are unique genetic profiles that are determined by an individual's chromosomal makeup and are established at conception.

What is meiosis used for in the human body?

Meiosis is used in the human body for the formation of gametes (sperm and eggs) which are necessary for sexual reproduction. During meiosis, the number of chromosomes is reduced by half, resulting in genetically diverse haploid cells that can combine during fertilization to create a new organism with a unique genetic makeup.

How does the genetic make up of cells that results from mitosis differ from the parent cell?

The genetic make-up of cells resulting from mitosis is identical to the parent cell. Mitosis is a process of cell division where the chromosomes in the parent cell are replicated and evenly distributed into two daughter cells, ensuring that each cell receives an exact copy of the genetic material.

What would happen if meiosis did not occur to produce sex cells?

If meiosis did not occur to produce sex cells, there would be no genetic diversity in offspring. Sex cells are the result of meiosis, which shuffles genetic material, leading to unique combinations of genes in offspring. Without meiosis, there would be no variation in the genetic makeup of individuals, potentially leading to decreased adaptability and increased vulnerability to environmental challenges.

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Can dogs have cats as puppy's?

no. The chromosomal makeup is impossible to duplicate from a dog or cat's body.

Is the genetic makeup of daughter cells unique or identical to other cells in the organism during mitosis?

The genetic makeup of daughter cells in mitosis is identical to each other and to the parent cell. Mitosis is a form of cell division where the resulting daughter cells have the same genetic information as the original cell.

What determines wether the mutation is passed on to offspring?

Chromosomal recombination passes the new genetic makeup to offspring

When should you let your daughter wear makeup?

Age 11.

What are nucleohistones?

Nucleohistones are a simplistic protein and water solution that are found within Chromosomal complexes. Each type has its own unique amino acid makeup.

Do you ware makeup to a father daughter dance?

Yes, but not a lot. Keep it simple and nice.

What is a supermale chromosomal makeup?

A supermale has an extra Y chromosome, resulting in a chromosomal makeup of XYY. This condition occurs in males and is typically associated with taller stature, but it may also be linked to increased risk of behavioral and developmental issues. Treatment typically involves addressing any associated symptoms or conditions.

Do karyotypes change over time?

No, a person's karyotype does not change over time. It remains constant throughout their life. Karyotypes are unique genetic profiles that are determined by an individual's chromosomal makeup and are established at conception.

Where Can You Get Makeup Gift Baskets?

You can easily find cosmetic gift sets on . But many stores online sell makeup samplers and sets, although not really a "gift basket", this allows your daughter to experiment with makeup choices.You can check the Beauty section of amazon, or other makeup websites such as

How do parents and daughters cells differ genetically in meiosis?

During meiosis, parents and daughter cells differ genetically because meiosis involves two rounds of cell division resulting in the halving of the genetic material. Parent cells are diploid (2n) and give rise to haploid (n) daughter cells with genetic variability due to crossing over and independent assortment. This leads to the creation of genetically unique daughter cells with a different combination of alleles than the parent cells.

What is meiosis used for in the human body?

Meiosis is used in the human body for the formation of gametes (sperm and eggs) which are necessary for sexual reproduction. During meiosis, the number of chromosomes is reduced by half, resulting in genetically diverse haploid cells that can combine during fertilization to create a new organism with a unique genetic makeup.

How does the genetic make up of cells that results from mitosis differ from the parent cell?

The genetic make-up of cells resulting from mitosis is identical to the parent cell. Mitosis is a process of cell division where the chromosomes in the parent cell are replicated and evenly distributed into two daughter cells, ensuring that each cell receives an exact copy of the genetic material.