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the chromosome number would double in every generation

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Q: What would happen if meiosis did not occur to produce sex cells?
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What happen if meiosis did not occur to produce sex cells?

the chromosome number would double in every generation

What would happen if meiosis did not occur and produce sex cells?

Multicellurar life would end with the current generation.

What would happen if meiosis doesn't occur in sexual reproduction?

Meiosis is the most important biological process in all advanced plants and animals. If this process did not occur, the production of the sex cells would not occur. This is also referred to as a type of chromosome reduction division. Hence, that is how the sexual cells (gametes) have only half the number of chromosomes as the other body cells of that organism. So if meiosis didn't occur, sexual reproduction could not occur.

Crossing-over can occur during the meiotic divisions that produce cells called?

Prophase I of Meiosis I .

Does mitosis occur in germ cells?

NoGerm layers produce haploid cells.For this they should undergo meiosis

Can mitosis and meiosis occur at the same time?

No,Meiosis is done in the gonads to produce gametes and it produce 4 haploid cells while mitosis happens ia all body cells producing two daughter cells diploid similar to the parent cell

What type of cells does meiosis occur in?

Meiosis occurs in gametes or reproductive cells.

Does cell division occur twice in mitosis or meiosis?

It's mitosis. Meiosis is when the cell divides twice.

Can meiosis occur anywhere in the body?

Meiosis can only ocur in sex cells

Which does not occur during meiosis?

two diploid daughter cells occur

Does meiosis occur in diploid cells?

First off, your query should be "Do mitosis and meiosis produce diploid cells?" The answer is that mitosis produces diploid cells, since mitosis is used to replace body cells, but meiosis produces haploid cells, since meiosis is used to produce sex cells. The sex cells are haploid because a sex cell eventually combines with another sex cell to create a new organism.

When a cell undergoes meiosis one cell becomes four what also occur from meiosis?

B. Cells must divide twice before meiosis is complete C. Cells produced after meiosis I are diploid. D. Cells produced after meiosis II are haploid.