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Q: Which stage of sedimentary rock formation happens when the sediment is pressed together to form layers?
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What happens to a metamorphic rock when its weathered?

Weathering of existing rock is the first step in the formation of most sedimentary rock, providing the sediment which will eventually be eroded, deposited, compacted and cemented together.

How do sedimentary rocks get cemented together to form a solid mass from sediment?

This happens because the rock cycle keeps occuring and every time the rock cycle happens the sedimentary rock comes together better and will eventually be a solid mass of sediment

What happens to sediment as it change to sedimentary rock?

Erosion deposits sediment.

Describe what happens to sediment as it is changed to sedimentary rock?

It is compacted and cemented by minerals.

What types of rocks are formed by the compaction and cementation of sediments?

Sedimentary rock are formed by cementation and compaction. This happens when sediment particles are compressed and fused together over very long periods of time.

How sedimentary rocks form from sediments?

sediment gathers up then the water in the sediment starts to evaporate. Compaction and Cementation happens then forms layer after layer.

What are rocks formed from small fragments called?

Clastic sedimentary rocks. Clastic sedimentary rocks are formed when small sediment particles are compacted and cemented together. This happens when the sediments are glued together by tiny crystals or chemicals from fluids that have precipitated in the pores between the sediments.

How do you classify sedimentary rocks?

The basic division of sedimentary rocks is into clastic and chemical rocks. Clastic rocks are formed when grains form a sediment and are then cemented together, as happens with sandstone or shale. Chemical rocks form when solid precipitates out of solution, for instance when calcium carbonate is formed from sea water to give chalk.

What happens to sedimentary rock after it undergoes weathering?

All these factor break down rock into sediment The process of wearing away rocks by natuarl processes is called weathering

What happens when Uranium and Mercury go together?

Formation of a uranium-mercury amalgam

How are sedimentary rocks formed through physical process?

Metamorphic, igneous, and past sedimentary rocks are turned into sediments by weathering and erosion. Then, the sediment are deposited. Finally, by compaction and/or cementation, a sedimentary rock is formed

What happens to sediment after it has been cemented together by age?

sedimentation happens when all different things gather and make different layers and colours in the rock or mountains :D