

Which star is larger in size Polaris or Alpha Centauri B?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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Polaris by far. It has a diameter of 75 times the diameter of the Sun. Alpha Cen B has a diameter of 1.7 solar diameters.

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Q: Which star is larger in size Polaris or Alpha Centauri B?
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This is the order from smallest stars to the biggest stars: Alpha Centauri, Procyon, Vega, Pollux, Polaris, and Deneb. These are the size(diameter) of them; though the size of the stars are not 100% accurate so they are likely to be predicted. Alpha Centauri is 1,527,000 Procyon is 2,652,000 Vega is 3,827,000 Pollux is 11,617,000 Polaris is 44,217,000 and Deneb is 203,000,000

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No. Alpha Centauri is a three-star system consisting of two stars similar in size to the sun and a red dwarf.

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The most famous triple star system is Alpha Ursae Minoris in the Ursa Minor constellation. Approximately 325 light years away. It is commonly known as the North Star or Polaris. 3 stars make up this system: Polaris, Polaris AB and Polaris B.Another somewhat famous 3-star system is Gliese 667 in the Scorpius constellation about 22 light years away with Gliese 667 A, B and C. This system is also home to a potentially habitable super-Earth, Gliese 667Cc at at least 4.5 times the size of Earth.Another well known triple system is the Alpha Centauri system. (It is still not certain that Proxima is actually physically part of the Alpha Centauri system or simply very close to it.)

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Alpha Centauri is the nearest star that we can see and it is almost the same size and age as the Sun.

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Alpha Centauri (Rigil Kentaurus, Rigil Kent, or Toliman) is the brightest star in the southern constellation of Centaurus.It is actually a binary star, but appears to us as a single star.Alpha Centauri A has an apparent magnitude of -0.01Alpha Centauri B has an apparent magnitude of +1.33

How do the mass and size of an alpha particle compare with mass and size of beta particle?

An alpha particle is larger and has more mass than a beta particle. An alpha particle is made up of two protons and two neutrons, giving it a mass of 4 atomic mass units, whereas a beta particle is much lighter and has a mass close to that of an electron. Size-wise, an alpha particle is larger in diameter compared to a beta particle.

How much larger the sun than polaris?

Polaris is actually a system of three stars, all of them larger than the sun. They range in size from 1.26 to 5.4 times the diameter of the sun. Polaris only appears smaller than the sun because it is several million times farther away.

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Technically speaking the closest star to Earth is the sun which is about 93 000 000 miles (150 million kilometers) away. After that the next nearest star is Alpha Centauri and it is 4.37 light years away from our sun.

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The Heliopause is at a distance of appx 120 AU from the Sun. That is around 0.0019 light years. Te Alpha Centauri star system is 4.365 light years away from the Sun, and almost the same distance away from the Heliopause.

Which is larger in size polaris or pollux?

Its apparent magnitude is about 2, but it's slightly variable. Usually it's given as 1.97v (where v means variable).