

Which stars twinkle the most

Updated: 7/5/2023
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13y ago

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The twinkle comes from atmospheric conditions on earth, if lower in the horizon, then the twinkle is increased as the light has to pass through more atmosphere. Air pollution nearer urban areas also effects the twinkle. No particular stars twinkle more than others, it's mainly due to their position in the sky and local atmospheric conditions.

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They twinkle due to air, not specifically oxygen. If there is no air, they won't twinkle.

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Viewed from the Earth's surface, all stars (except the sun) twinkle most of the time. Viewed from the Space Station or anywhere else outside the atmosphere, none ever do.

Why does the stars twinkled?

Stars twinkle because of the abberations in their light path from dust and gas in space, and most especially from the earth's atmosphere. Some nights they twinkle much more than others. On a very clear night, after a very still day, they twinkle relatively little.

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"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" is the nursery rhyme that compares the stars with sparkling diamonds.

Why is it that stars twinkle for earth but not from the moon?

This is because the Earth's atmosphere has many layers which causes the rays of light coming from the stars to refract. This gives the effect that stars twinkle. The air around the moon does not have layers so the rays from the stars do not refract, and thus do not twinkle.

Do you see stars twinkle if you live on the moon?

No. Stars twinkle on Earth because the light beams have to enter the atmosphere, altering the brightness of the star by the second. Since the moon really doesn't have a atmosphere, stars seen from there wouldn't twinkle.

Why do stars seems to twinkle?

because when the light enters the atmosphere it goes in zigzags or long dot zigzags