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The only state that has been carried by every Republican winner of a U. S. Presidential Election is Ohio.

In addition, North Dakota, Arizona and Alaska have been carried by every Republican Presidential election winner for as long as they have been states.

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Q: Which state's electoral votes have always been necessary for a republican president?
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Is Obama a Republican?

No, President Obama has always been a Democrat.

When was the last time NY electoral vote went republican?

It never has voted for a Republican in a presidential election. The 23rd Amendment, ratified in 1961, gave Washington D.C. the right to cast electoral votes for a president. Since then, it has always cast its votes for a Democrat (even in 1984 when Minnesota was the only state to vote for Mondale over Reagan).

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By the electoral college, though it usually (not always) falls in line with the popular vote.

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In the United States, the president and vice-president have always been elected by the citizens albeit indirectly via the electoral college.

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Yes. The office of the president always has the power to veto.

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There are a total of 538 electoral votes available. One half of 538 is 269, so it would take at least 270 electoral votes to win. If there is a tie, then the House of Representatives will elect the President and Vice President.

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The only one I can recall is Ralph Nader, but then he seems to always run.

Are there more Republicans or democrats in Oklahoma?

As of now, Oklahoma has far more Republicans. It's one of the "reddest" states in the country next to Utah. It has a Republican governor, 2 Republican Senators, all Republican Representatives, and always votes Republican for president.

Has texas' electoral votes always gone to the republican candidate?

Texas has given its votes to the Republican candidate in every U. S. Presidential Election back to and including 1980, but before 1980 Texas never gave its votes to the Republican candidate with the exceptions of Hoover in 1928, Eisenhower in 1952 and 1956 and Nixon in 1972.

Why was the electoral college and why was it established?

it was established to prevent states with larger populations from always choosing president and vice president. it is still used today, but voters in each state, not the legislatures now choose electors.