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GAS in air and other gases, atoms or molecules have sufficient energy to separate from each other. The more energy that matter contains, the more freely its atoms or molecules move, because they are able to overcome the attractive forces that tend to hold them together.

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13y ago

Gas. and also, because of its molecules being spread out, it weighs less. so liquid weighs more than gas and solid weighs more than all of them =D

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Q: Which state of matter has particles that are spread the further apart?
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Are particles in a gas or a liquid further apart?

The molecules in a gas are spread further apart than those in a liquid.

What state of matter is spread apart and not connected?

well liquid and gas are spread apart but the one that is spread apart and not connaected is gas which has particles that move fastly and freely.

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The sound wave will travel faster in the medium where particles of matter are further apart because there will be less resistance and the particles are more spread out, allowing the wave to propagate more easily.

Which state of matter do the particles spread apart and fill available space?


What state of matter do particles spread apart to fill the available space?

Gas. In the gas state, particles have enough kinetic energy to spread apart and fill the available space they are in. This results in gases not having a fixed volume or shape.

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When the waves are spread apart in a compressional wave, it is referred to as rarefaction. This is when the particles in the medium are further apart from each other compared to the compression phase, resulting in a decrease in density.

Part of a longitudinal wave where the particles are spread apart are called a?

Rarefaction is the part of a longitudinal wave where the particles are spread apart.

What has area where particles are spread out?

An area where particles are spread out has low density. This means that the particles are further apart from each other compared to a more densely packed area. Examples include a gas or a dilute solution.

A state of matter where the particles do not touch each other?

This state of matter is known as a gas. Gas particles are spread far apart and move freely, with minimal interaction between them.

How do particles move when they are heated?

When particles are heated, they gain kinetic energy and move more rapidly. This causes the particles to spread out and move further apart from each other, which leads to the expansion of the material. In the case of gases, heating causes the particles to move faster and further apart, leading to increased pressure and volume.

What happens to particles of matter when heated up?

When matter is heated up, the particles gain energy and move faster. In a solid, the particles vibrate more vigorously, in a liquid they move more freely, and in a gas they move even faster and spread further apart. Heating can also cause changes in state, such as melting or boiling, as the particles gain enough energy to overcome attractive forces.

The particles of matter are spread farthest apart in a liquid?

The particles in a liquid are generally less tightly packed together compared to those in a solid, allowing them to move more freely. This results in a slightly more spread-out arrangement of particles in a liquid.