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In both plant and animals, the daughter cells are genetically identical to the original cell =]

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Q: Which statement most accurately compares mitotic cell division in plant and animal cells?
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What are the genetic consequences of mitotic cell division for the resulting daughter cells?

The genetic consequence of mitotic cell division is that the resulting daughter cells are genetically identical to each other and to the parent cell. This is because the DNA is accurately replicated and evenly distributed between the daughter cells during mitosis. Therefore, no genetic variation is introduced during mitotic cell division.

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Mitotic cell division. #3 on castlelearning(;

What is period during the life of a cell when it has finished mitotic division?

M phase is the period in the life of the cell when it is conducting cell division. This is part of the cell cycle.

What is the outcome of one mitotic division?

I have no clue

Cells that undergo mitotic division but not meiotic division are called?

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Mitotic cell division occurs.

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Is the period during the life of a cell when it has finished mitotic division?

The period during the life of a cell when it has finished mitotic division is known as telophase and is reentering G1 of interphase.

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What is the result of successful mitotic division?

2 daughter cells

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