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  1. the power of the government is derived from the governed
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Q: Which statement reflects an argument of enlightenment philosophers against the belief in the divine right of kings?
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Cause they just are

How did the constitution and thee bill of rights reflects enlightenment ideas?

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how did the constitution and the Bill of Rights reflects enlightenment ideas

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"Growing old in your childhood home" is a statement that reflects the political philosophy of conservatism.

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An opinion.

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The first page or 3 paragraphs are totally enlightenment thinking of John Locke.

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The Bill of Rights reflects a key enlightenment idea because it limits what government can do and it does so in order to protect the rights of the people.

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Marshall Plan -apex

How does the bill of rights reflect a key enlightenment?

The Bill of Rights reflects a key enlightenment idea because it limits what government can do and it does so in order to protect the rights of the people.

What important documents reflects the influence of enlightenment ideas?

he declaration of independece, I hope this helps you.